Welcome to netspider.

It's all just one big web!

netspider is part of a webring, I don't know the name yet. We strive to bring you the best sites on neocities.org
This site will offer a forum page, a real-time (I know, impressive) chatroom and other stuff... When I'm bothered.
be sure to come back often to see what kind of stuff I have added.


Links to services:

Forum. Webshark. Sickly Carpet portal to some sites Videogames!


OK, I bet, no... I KNOW you are wondering what this website is. Well, here it is!

netspider is a website hosted by neocities and created by Mr. Grey Sky. It was inspired by Webshark and tries to continue it's great legacy. This webside was made because I wanted to create a website with anything on it, anything I wanted. If you want to add something to the page just leave it in the forum or the comment section and I might consider adding it (I probably will add it). Also the correct spelling is "netspider", no capital letters, no spaces.

Comment Section!